患者さんと医療者のパートナーシップ 阪大「いろはうた」

 We are dedicated to building partnerships between patients and healthcare professionals, in order to improve quality and safety in healthcare. We initiated our patient engagement program, called “Iroha-Uta,” in 2010. The Iroha-Uta folder and leaflet are given to patients when they are admitted into the hospital. Patients can obtain more details about Iroha-Uta through explanations by nurses or via the hospital’s free TV channel. If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to speak to any member of the hospital staff.
  • 日本語
  • English
  • 中文

Every inpatient receives "Iroha-Uta" paper folder on admission.

"Iroha-Uta" Folder

見開き(おもて面) なか面
Click to enlarge

"Iroha-Uta" Leaflet


"Iroha-Uta" messages ; seven tips for safe hospital stay.

い 今いちど自分の名前を伝えましょう

ろ 老化は以外にすべります スリッパやめて夜も安心

は 歯は外したらいれ物へ 大事な体の一部です

に 二度三度 たずねることも遠慮なく 治療の主役はあなたです

ほ ホッとする 相手に話そう不安な気持ち

へ 変だな? と思ったときは確認を くすりは正しく飲みましょう

と とっても大切 次の診察いつですか

A nurse explains the seven tips to his or her patient at the bedside.


All hospital workers wear "Iroha-Uta" badges.
Please speak to any of us.


"Iroha-Uta" Posters are displayed in our hospital (both inpatient ward area and outpatient clinic area).

阪大病院みんなのいろはうた 阪大病院みんなのにこにこいろはうた